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Hello! I'm Danny.

Copywriter. Editor.

I earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from York University in Toronto, Ontario, where I majored in English. Following my graduation, I was trained as a copywriter by American Writers & Artists Inc. and established myself as a freelancer who specializes in writing for the health, fitness, food, and nonprofit industries.


When I decided to study English, I aspired to teach. However, the learning approach I developed over time led me to appreciate the English language from a new perspective: the writing process. Once I decided to pursue a writing career, I had trouble choosing what type of writer to become. During that period of uncertainty, I discovered copywriting.


I help my clients establish trust, credibility, and rapport with their target audience. My writing engages readers, maximizes profit, raises awareness, boosts web traffic, grows email lists, and much more. I am successful because I communicate thoroughly with my clients, I do extensive research, and I believe in the power of language. I always ensure that our business relationship remains professional, respectful, and pleasant, so we both have a rewarding experience.


I look forward to helping you.

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